Post by Azazel on May 20, 2009 14:22:26 GMT -5
Cat Name:
Rp sample:
Jaycall I'm sure that my Graqndfather will make sure I am well taken care of, even if my father cannot. Yes, I know who my father is, I sigh at the thought that I Had to be denied. My mother was beautiful, she looks just like me, I remember. My father, Foxfur, He looks like my brother, Bramblekit. I want us to be a family again, but I already know that that cannot happen, Foxfur cannot accept me without losing his rank... neither can mother. Lostheart and Adderpaw are all that I have. I am blind, bound to be a disappiontment to my father and Mother because of it. Maybe I will even be bound to their trade. I am a forbidden child, with no parents to accept me besides the lovely calico she-cat who smells of hazel nut, Adderpaw, I call her Aunt, Adder. I'm not sure how I fell about Lostheart yet, though. I was given my name because of my eyes. For though I am blind, my eyes are beautiful and made of a magic elixer. They are Jay blue. Someday with my Warrior name I suppose it will be because I can barely speak, it hurts my smaller form and makes me hurt. So I cannot call out and by name, that is my only chance.
I am of the age of 15 moons. I was born to my mother who had taken my father, forbiddenly, as a mate. I remember of so clear, we were close to river, water I could swim in, since I was half fish-hunter, all around us trees seemed to lean closer just to get a glance at the new kits. My two brothers were given to one, Snowrose of Riverclan, while I was given to my father. Perhaps I shall aske my mother why she gave me away at a gathering someday.
I was born on Riverclan territory to Shadecloud and Foxfur, but that is not where I stayed. We adventured for many minutes that night, me dangling from strong, gentle claws, until we reached Shadowclan.. I was not afraid in this new presence, the presence of my father, he was rather...welcoming and warming. I already loved him, but I knew I was to be given to young Adderpaw, who may not have been able to have kits of her own. I'm not really sure why. Now I reside in the foresty land of Shadowclan, where I shall learn to hunt and be a tree climber. Maybe I'll be strong, like father, or Romantic like Aunty, or maybe I will be witty Like my lovely mother.
I am the Medicine cat, at this point and time. Raised by Aunt Adder, and nursed by someone unknown. Uncle Lostheart is not really family to me yet, I have not learned to taunt him I can Aunt Adder and Father. I think Mother had high hope for me to someday become a great blind warrior, perhaps a deputy like Grandfather, Streakedfury perhaps a leader like Grandmother, Truthstar. But I fear I will be chained to Mother, Shadecloud, and Father, Foxfur's trade. I have nightmares of being stuck in that den, making the same mistakes my parents did before me. It is just not natural for them to love each other so dearly as to have kits. What if Truthstar knew I was not Adder's? What if Burningstar knew that Ravenkit and Bramblekit were not really Snowroses?
I look like my mother. Almost exactly, in fact I am surprised no-one has caught on. Especially when they see her at gatherings and come home to me. Not even my queen knows who my real mother is, she believes it to be Adderpaw, and that the she-cat simply had some parsley or something of that nature. If only she knew. I am a short haired dark gray tabby with shadowed blue eyes, like a tint over my eyes. My fur is short, it appears to cling to my skin in such a way that makes me look small and feeble. It never fluffs, not even when it's wet, or when it is humid. I am reknown for being a small and scrawny tom who won''t grow much bigger than a small female warrior. I am what you might call feeble, but that is just on the outside. I am extremely hardened and strong. My claws are oddly curved, almost resembling that of a hawk's talon. My fur is an ashy mixture but of a cotton texture. Ash and Burnt wood mixed together to form my color, a dark blue-gray, marking me as a little bit russian blue, though I am also half Bengal, due to my mother. In the sun you can see my stripes, very faded and light they hide beneath my ashy pelt. Beneath that lies pale white skin, if there is a such thing as pale white. My legs are long for my size, and my body is of an excellent make, though, small and feeble. I sometimes feel as thought Adderpaw is disappionted to have such a worthless peice of fur under her name, but she respects me because of my mother, her twin. I am a very... disappionting being. My eyes are the essence of beauty, thats what they have been deemed. In them reflects my feelings as clear as day, as well as a white tint added due to my blindness, half of what makes me a solitary beast. My eyes are of a beautiful irony, how sweet and spectacular only to allow me no sight other than the vivid dreams I harbors. The overall eye is shaped much like a pecan, more rounded than sharp. Around my iris the blue is lighter and slowly etches away becoming darker and darker, minus the white swirls of blindness. . I fear sometimes that my eyes strange appearance frightens others away before they meet me, causing them to wish me harm, worse than those who know of my true heritage already do. It seems an endless abyss, my eyes stretching darkness, they seem to ruin not only me but all of those around me, they eyes me strangely as I have been named a feeble blind cat who should be retired early.
Why not let you learn about me? What can you do to hurt me anyway? I have dreams, like Father and beautiful mother, I have nightmares, like Mother. I fear for their safety as well as my own. My persoan is engraved into my every movement, my every breath. Some call me a romantic fool, but thats just them, Some say I'm a Freak for having dreams...If only they knew who my parents were. Most of all, though, I feel as though I am a disappointment to the clan as well as mother and father. I don't want to let them down, I want to become great like the asked of me. I was to let everyone have to chance to love openly and evenly... But it is a corrupted world we live in, it is so dreaded and horrible that sometimes I shy away from waking alone in the morning. I am so sick of Aunty Adders singing voice, and her beautifully crafted questions. I'm tired of how the apprentice cast's such mushy glances at Lostheart, I'm feel lost...just like him. It seems an endless abyss for me. I death that I am doomed to die. I fear for all of our safety, whatever it be. Perhaps someday I will speak to you about my dreams.But not now, no youngling you are not ready for the horror they bring. I am a brave little soldier, who can be bitter about my blindness but I see at night, and that is all that matters in this hell called life. I just want to be able to live life the way I want to live it without all these judements against me and my parents. They did the best they could even if that wasnt all the best in the best in the world for the three. What ever would they do if we had been born Still? Woudl they have taken it as a Sign and forbidden their own love... some times I wish they had forsaken each other from their lives. Everything would be so much easier. I hate this weight on my shopulders, I am the only kit that knows about my brothers, and my parents.. Bramble and Raven think Snowrose is their mother but I remember my trip here, I remember my dreams.
Suffering, Agony, Misery, Darkness. My life has always seemed an eternity in hell. I was born blind to two medicine cats, and they believed this was why I was made blind. As if in some way Starclan was punishing them for having me and my two brothers. Their names Were Foxfur of Shadowclan and Shadecloud of Riverclan, it was rumored throughout the two clans that the two had had kits together and because I looked just like her and Bramblekit looked just like my father it was also said that we were their children. My father took me back to his home clan and I was raised by my Aunt Adderpaw and her mate Lostheart, and try as I might I could not learn to love them. They always were so different. Aunt Adder was my mother's twin sister, though, she was a calico and my mother was a dark gray. My two brothers went on to live in Riverclan under the names Bramblebush and Ravenflight, still not knowing that I was their brother they assumed my resemblence to our mother was but mere concidence. Wehn I was made an apprentice I started off a warrior apprentice, but they soon found I was bitter and unable to "Meet their standards." I was apprenticed under my father, how proud he must have been. With a heavy heart I learned all the nessecary skills, but as time wore on the clan became getting worse and worse about calling me helpless, though, I could hunt better then some of them. My sense of smell was far better then theirs. I was made Jaycall upon the death of my father, and unfortuneatly, he never accepted me as I was.
Rp sample:
JaycallWhy do They Always Associate me with Weakness?He was a wonderous sight, the blind tom. He was a beautiful being, in fact. He lay casually behind the leader, his long tail wrapped around his paws as if it was all going right for him. Here, He used his front, right claws to snag the mouse that he had caught earlier, and toss it to his leader. Take that back, I can't ruin my image of helplessness, now, can I? The medicine cat leaped off the rock with a smile, He was so much younger than the leader, as well as most warriors. He was a mere fifteen moons, forced to grow up because of his disability.It's just a Mistake on Their Part.He was a rather beautiful creature to watch, he appeared to walk with a gliding grace. He never ran into anything or even stepped on a loose branch, yet, they all looked down upon him. With a smile he ran his paw over his face, washing a small bit of dirt from his coarse thread. He turned his straigth white eyes on the leader, creating something of a look of a villian. He laughed to himself and stood, leaping down from the rock so he stood face to face with his leader. He was barely smaller than the master of the clan, though, blind and "Helpless."
>>>Parting is Such a Sweet sorrow...
>>>From Juliet to Romeo in Romeo and Juliet
>>>From Juliet to Romeo in Romeo and Juliet
What if You felt Numb?
In all reality, the young cat knew he could not stay in this state of sorrow, yet was ther eany life for him beyond it? He couldn't help but worry about what would happen if he Changed. He was a magestic beast, with sleek ebony fur and frozen honey eyes, but those eyes were full of everlasting tears. Tears of Sorrow, Tears of Misery, Tears of Agony. But that didn't matter in anyone elses life, and it shouldn't have interferred with his life as a Windclan warrior. But does anything work the way it should? Behind the creature of sorrow the sun was reaching it's high point of the day, bringing the gatherings closer with each passing breath. All around he heard the wind as is fled through the grass, whistling a retched tune. It was all a picture of beauty, of resilence, and was akin to a sweet melody. Indeed the land seemed perfect, aside from the quarrel with Shadowclan.
What if alls you felt was Pain?
I stood, waving my tail in some vain attempt to show spirit. It was just a lost cause, I was a lost cause. All around me other furry critters communicated, and shared tongues, the apprentices played and the kits complained. It was all normal, but I stuck out like a sore thumb, most here had light tabby pelt, mine was midnight. But that's not what was truly bad about this whole situation I had settled into, it was the fact that I denied all social contact with my clan. I simply went onto the moor during the day, and came back around sun-up. I hated the rivalry between the cats, the small quarrels that became wars. They were half of what seperated me from my true soul.
What if You were me, For just a Day?
With a sigh, that felt all too routine I exited the camp. I cast a glance backwards at the bramble door that had encaged me in that hell, and than I walked forward my pawsteps as confident as ever. That was what was difficult about me, I had a huge ego, but very little personality. Beneath my soft paw's I felt the moor shift, and the soft fingers of grass tickled my legs and body. This was perfection, being all alone one this moor, with no troubles.